When Carole Wilkinson and her husband followed her sister and her partner into the Village, management helped pave the way for the quartet to become neighbours.
Carole’s husband passed away five weeks after they moved in to their new two bedroom home and having family next door was incredibly helpful.
“My sister was my mainstay,” she explains.
Six-and-a-half years on, Carole is in her second year of being secretary of the Village Social Club and her sister is a Club coordinator.
“I’m extremely busy and it’s a great lifestyle; I really enjoy it,” she says.
“You can be as social or unsociable as you like here and we try and make people feel welcome with lots of activities like monthly dinners and breakfasts in the Clubhouse.”
The 77-year-old, who downsized to Helena Valley from Wannanup, south of Mandurah, says her life has been enriched being in the Village.
“You meet a lot of new people and there are a lot of women and a few men on their own here, so you kind of don’t feel alone,” she says.
“It’s very secure and safe, and the surroundings are beautiful.”
Information in this article is true and correct as of 16 January 2023.
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