Features at Helena Valley Resort

At Helena Valley Lifestyle Village, we know our Lifestylers like to plan for the future – and our focus is on helping make that easier for them.

As part of that, we are proud to be able to offer:

  • No exit fee
    options available
  • No stamp duty

This paves the way for Lifestylers to be able to pay no fees of any type when leaving their Village home, which provides them with exceptional freedom and flexibility.

How It Works

There are two options Lifestylers can choose from to be able to leave the Village with zero fees*:

  • Pay a little more on your weekly site fee while you live here, OR
  • Pay more for your home upfront

Not only do both options reduce any fees payable on exit to zero, they can also save you thousands of dollars, compared to having to pay for these fees when you leave.

Freedom & Flexibility

At Helena Valley Lifestyle Village, we pride ourselves on being flexible so, if you want to have a little extra spending money while you live in the Village, we have another option.

By choosing to lower the purchase price of your home – and agreeing to pay a little more when you leave – you can keep a bit more cash in your hands now. In this scenario, we can still market and sell your home for you free of charge when you’re ready to move out.

No Stamp Duty

Another great benefit of buying into the Village is that there is no stamp duty payable. Bonus!

No Strata Fees

There are no strata fees at Helena Valley Lifestyle Village.

Our weekly site rental fees (lease) cover shire rates, water rates, sewer rates, mail delivery and rubbish removal.

No Council Rates

When you buy a home at the Village, you own that home and can gift it in your Will or even move it to another location but, there are no separate Council rates to pay.

The land is held on a very long-term lease by us. This lease covers shire rates, water rates, sewer rates, mail delivery and rubbish removal.

Free Up Capital

Many Lifestylers find their traditional home is getting too big to manage, or just taking up too much time.

By selling it, they not only free up their time to do more of what they love (we handle the maintenance of all Village facilities and common areas), they also free up the capital in their home to pursue lifelong or new interests and passions.

As we also offer boat and caravan storage facilities on our site and an ideal ‘lock and leave’ lifestyle, residents don’t have to say goodbye to that travelling lifestyle any time soon!

Willable Asset

You own your own home and it’s a willable asset to your family who can either sell the home or move in if they are eligible.

*If you choose the 0% discounted price option upon purchase, a 2% selling fee applies if you wish us to sell the home on your behalf.