An highly moving ANZAC Day service was held in the Village on April 25.
Dozens of residents gathered at dawn to honour those Australians who served to defend our nation.
Resident Mark Ryan says he was privileged to read the ANZAC Requiem at the service.
“My grandfather, Noel Lawrence, was a private with the Australian Imperial Force in France in 1917,” he explains.
“He was known as a ‘runner’ because he took messages from the command headquarters to the field commanders, just as Mel Gibson’s character did in the movie Gallipoli.
“To stand united with so many other residents of the Village paying our respects was very humbling.”
The morning concluded with a well-received traditional gunfire breakfast in the Clubhouse.
Thanks to all who gave their time to ensure the 2023 service was such a success.
Information in this article is true and correct as of 7 June 2023.
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