No, it’s not. Our Lifestylers generally consider themselves too young, fit or healthy for a typical retirement village, and, on average, will be 15 to 20 years younger – at around 65. The village is, in fact, open to anyone over 45 years of age.

Many Lifestylers work full time, some part time and others are fully retired.

Generally, our Lifestylers possess a more youthful mindset and prioritise social networks, lifestyle and wellness, meaning our extensive facilities and activities are incredibly important and cater to all types of Lifestylers with varying interests.

Villages like ours perfectly pave the way to downsize – or rightsize – your home and are ideal for those who like to travel as the ‘lock up and leave’ lifestyle is very easy here.

Helena Valley Lifestyle Village is different to a retirement village in a number of other important ways – from costs to ownership and facilities.