Great news, restrictions eased!

As a result of the WA State Government easing of the restriction from a maximum of 2-person limit to a maximum of 10-person limit, Helena Valley have now removed the maximum 2 person rule from all home inspections and village tours as of Tuesday 28th April 2020.

Sales Visits

We have put a number of strategies in place and are complying with the government directives around safety and the need to keep staff employed and the economy ticking over.

So, we have kept our sales office open and are showing clients through the homes now with the new safety protocols in place including the new 10 person limit and opening up of display home opens by the government.

We do recommend sales visits are booked in advance so we can be sure to be available to show you the homes safely without delay. When visiting the homes customers are asked not to touch anything (anything touched will be disinfected afterwards) and to observe the maximum 10 person limit which is pretty easy for most people to comply with!

Alternatively you can book an online virtual guided tour (coming soon) and visit the village from the comfort of your own home.

Village Access and Conditions of Visitor Entry

Access to the village is restricted with the main gates being closed during the day as well as the night. The clubhouse facilities have been closed as directed by government although some outside areas have been opened now with the 10 person limit in operation and the following Conditions of Visitor Entry apply.

These conditions also apply to our own staff and contractors so any staff member you speak to at the village you know will have complied to these conditions. In addition we have now introduced thermometer testing of staff and contractors to identify any potential fever.

Conditions Of Visitor Entry

By entering this village, you acknowledge you:

  • Have not returned from overseas travel in the past 14 days
  • Have not been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case in the past 14 days
  • Are not exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms of;
    • fever
    • flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and fatigue
    • shortness of breath

Thank you for helping protect our community.

So is it safe to visit the village? The short answer is “Yes” providing you are able to meet the Conditions of Visitor Entry above. If you have family living in the village then always worthwhile contacting them first to check their own health at the time of course.

If you want to tour the village, then you can book a tour online and currently enter the draw for your chance to win a $400k home or call us to make an appointment and we’d be happy to show you through. Soon you will also be able to tour the village on a virtual online guided tour hosted by our friendly staff.

Stay safe and hygienically diligent while we navigate this new territory we find ourselves in and we look forward to coming out the other side together.

Best wishes

John Green


Helena Valley Residential Resort Pty Ltd

Information in this article is true and correct as of 30 April 2020.

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